by Kay Arthur, David & BJ Lawson
6 Lessons
What Are Spiritual Gifts? Who are the Spiritual Gifts for? Are the spiritual gifts still active today?
The subject of spiritual gifts can seem complicated: Who has spiritual gifts? “spiritual people” or everybody? What are spiritual gifts anyway?
In this “Understanding Spiritual Gifts” 40 Minute Bible study go straight to God’s Word to discover answers from the Gift-Giver Himself. Discover all the Bible passages about God’s design for each of us. Don’t let your questions get the better of you. Spiritual gifts are life changing and they are nothing to get confused over.
Uncover what spiritual gifts are. Similarly, identify where they come from, who has them, how they are received, and how they work within the church. As you study, you will have a new vision for how you can use your God-given gifts. Bring hope to your home, your church, and a hurting world. Engage with Bible Study today and learn about spiritual Gifts!
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